Dianabol 10mg


100 Pill Pack



Dr. John Bosley Ziegler was the first distributor of dbol to United States Olympic athletes. However, this was only done after he became suspicious at the 1960 European Championships that the Russians were doping their athletes. Of course, he was correct. After giving the methandrostenolone to US athletes, it became evident that the performance enhancing benefits of the drug were huge. Believe it or not, there was a cold-war doping battle, for years, until proper anti-doping testing was developed.

Dianabol (or Dbol as it’s commonly known) is a historical steroid. It’s the second steroid to be produced after pure testosterone derivatives, and I don’t mean cypionate – I mean straight suspension.

In fact, dbol is essentially oral testosterone, except for two differences: one, it has an added double carbon bond at 1-2, and, two, it’s 17 alpha-alkylated (17aa). 17aa means it can enter the liver and pass into the body without being destroyed by the liver. At the same time, the added carbon bond is supposed to reduce aromatization, meaning convert less into estrogen.

Although, originally, dianabol was designed to aromatize (convert to estrogen) less than testosterone, it ended up being a lot more estrogenic than first thought. It converts into a potent estrogen in the body, which explains the usual bloating, blood pressure, gynecomastia (gyno) and headaches caused by prolonged used. The two most common Dianabol side effects are without question Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) and excess water retention or bloat. Both of these reactions are due to the hormone aromatizing (converting into estrogen) and as estrogen increases in the body these effects can become present. For most Gynecomastia is avoidable but for quite a few their sensitivity will be so great that nothing short of having their glands removed from their pecs will save them. In most cases a good aromatase inhibitor will prevent Gyno as it is commonly known with Arimidex and Letrozole being our best choices.

As it pertains to water retention, the same estrogenic effect is responsible and yet again an aromatase inhibitor will largely reduce and often prevent bloat to any serious degree. We must note, as it is a common misunderstanding; many who supplement with Dbol do so when bulking and when they bloat they immediately point to this hormone as the culprit. Absolutely, it may very well play a role but nine times out of ten the primary culprit is the individual eating too much, particularly in the way of carbohydrates. Yes, Dianabol side effects can include water retention but such a side effect is so easily controlled that if it does become a problem for you then you need to examine other aspects of your plan.

Two other primary Dianabol side effects include high blood pressure and inefficient cholesterol levels. For those who already have high blood pressure this is a steroid you must avoid and if youre predisposed to a high blood pressure condition you are advised to seek alternative steroids without question. Those who have a healthy blood pressure and who do not overdo the dose will generally be fine; in-fact, its not uncommon to see an athlete supplement with 30mg-50mg of Dbol a day and never see his blood pressure go up.

With prolonged use, dianabol can be hepatotoxic; meaning, it can damage the liver and cause health problems. In addition, anecdotal evidence of back pumps have been related to possible problems with kidneys and blood flow issues.

Let’s list some of the major side effects:

Blood pressure (hypertension)
Liver problems (hepatotoxicity)
Kidney problems (renal disease)
Estrogen spikes (high estrogen levels)
Bloating (water retention)
Gynecomastia (bitch tits)
Lastly, dianabol should NOT be used by women due to masculinising effects. Essentially, it will turn women into men and fast.

Dbol is used as a bulking steroid that produces mostly ‘wet’ gains (puffy look). It’s mostly added as a kick start to bulking steroid cycles during the first 6 weeks. This is done to allow for the longer ester injectable steroids to produce results, while the dianabol provides quick gains – strength, size, mass and confidence. It’s usually stacked with deca durabolin, testosterone or trenbolone.

Although it’s used as a kick starter to many bulkers, it doesn’t mean it can’t be a stand alone cycle. If used with Cardarine (GW-501516), aromasin, and winstrol, dianabol can become a stand alone oral cycle. Granted, the cycle will be short, maximum 8 weeks, but you’ll see some wet, hard gains, which will be worth the effort.

Dosages of dianabol vary depending on your goals. If you’re stacking with a long ester injectable steroid, you should be doing around 30mgs per day, up to 50mgs per day. If you’re using it in an oral only cycle, you can get up to 75mgs per day, but you really have to be careful with the side effects.

There is a bridge theory, where you can use 10mgs per day for months with little side effects or problems with HPTA. Having tried this, I can say that it’s only valid if you’re using it with an AI (aromatase inhibitor) like Arimidex or a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator) like Nolvadex. Otherwise, you’ll be constantly bloated, even with a low 10mg/day dose.


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